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邵婷如 Ting Ju Shao

林康夫  Yasuo Hayashi

蒂・圖蘭  Tip Toland

奈良美智 Yoshitomo Nara

                                                2018 Taiwan Ceramics Biennial


                                      Humanistic Return-The spiritual Origin of Ceramic Art



                                                                     Curator Shao Ting-Ju


Judith Schwartz, the professor of New York University,U.S.A .

“I just wanted to write you personally and congratulate you on what I feel was a terrific biennale. You made a powerful selection of a variety of work and the installation was dynamic. I saw many historical pieces that I have not seen for years, but you also introduced me to a new generation of artists that I’ve never seen and the show on many levels was an eye opener.”

這是場精彩的雙年展,選展的各種作品形成強力陣容,裝置作品也富於生氣。我見到了多年不見的歷史名作,但策展人也帶領我認識了一群我從未見過的新生代藝術家,這展覽就許多方面來說都大開我的眼界。(Judith Schwartz 美國紐約大學教授,藝評家,國際陶藝學會副會長)

Ranti Tjan, the director of European Ceramic Center

“2018 Taiwan Ceramics Biennale is triggering public as well as peers. It gives an overview in the state of the art in ceramics, on the level of individual artists as well as on the level of the discipline itself. Everyone who is interested in art should visit this high level museum exhibit compiled with the eyes and heart of a curating artist. The NTC Yingge ceramics museum and this Biennale are guiding examples in the international world of art and ceramics. “

「2018臺灣國際陶藝雙年展正在大眾與陶藝家之間引起回響,它為陶藝提供概觀,不僅聚焦個人藝術家,也綜觀陶藝本身。對藝術有興趣的人都應該參觀這場由一位藝術家以心與眼所策展的高水準博物館展覽。新北市立鶯歌陶瓷博物館與這場雙年展是國際藝壇與陶藝界的領先範例。」 (Ranti Tjan 歐洲陶藝中心總監)

Shuji Takahashi., Director of Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu

“The biennale begins from Kazuo Yagi, Hayashi Yasuo and Peter Voulkos. The curator unravels five perspectives, each of which represents a history. Its focus is not traditional ceramics, but ceramic works closely related to contemporary art. It invites ceramic artists from Taiwan, United States, Europe, Japan, Korea, and China. It offers views that stimulate us to think about ceramics in East Asia. Please don’t miss it. “


Lin Pin, Director of Taipei Fine Arts Museum

"The exhibition looks into the history and essence of ceramics, through which the ceramic artists re-connect the audience with clay. Both the power of the medium and materials or the spiritual power of the artists are amazing and impressive."

展覽中對於陶的歷史、本質進行詢問,另外也讓做陶的人透過他們讓民眾重新跟泥土產生關係,不管是物質、材質上面的力量或者是藝術家精神的力量都非常的驚人和震撼 。」(台北市立美術館長 林平)

Chang Man-chuan ,Writer 

"The 2018 Taiwan Ceramics Biennale is the most impressive exhibition I have seen in recent years. It is the first time for the Biennale to be curated by a ceramic artist, and it exhibits the works of the top ceramic artists from around the world. We finally realize that clay can be both quiet and noisy, soft and hard, and can reanimate after breaking every imagination."

「二零一八台灣國際陶藝雙年展,是我近年所看過最令人震動的展覽。首度由台灣陶藝家出任策展人,展出全世界頂尖陶藝家作品,這才發現陶土可以安靜也可以喧嘩;可以柔軟也可以剛毅;可以粉碎一切想像而後再生。」(作家 張曼娟)

Su Wong-shen, Painter

"It is a rare experience to see such an exhibition in Taiwan. It brings together many international masters, and it is not easy for their works to come here."

「相當難得在臺灣看到這樣的展覽,聚集許多國際級的大師,而且這一些作品能夠來到這裡都很不容易。(藝術家 蘇旺伸)

Hsia Jui-hung, Senior Mdiea 

"Ceramic art is much more than beautiful vessels. This biennale surprises and amazes people with the artists’ creativity that pushes the boundary of ceramics. Let’s seize the opportunity and have our eyes and mind renewed by modern ceramics."

「陶藝並不只等於美麗的杯盤壺瓶 ,這展覽讓人為藝術家們開拓陶藝可能性的創作能量驚豔、驚嘆不已 」 (資深媒體人 夏瑞紅)














Invited Artists

《前言 Preface  

八木ㄧ夫 Yagi Kazuo  , 彼得· 沃克斯 Peter Voulkos   , 林康夫 Hayashi Yasuo

《戰後東西精神的交會 Spiritual Exchanges between Post-war Asia and the West

保羅· 蘇德勒 Paul Soldner, 羅夫· 貝瑟拉Ralph Bacerra, 安德烈· 薩克斯Adrian Saxe, 楊文霓 Winnie Yang,理查· 諾金 Richard Notkin, 庫特· 維瑟Kurt Weiser, 姚克洪 Yao Keh-hong, 瑪格麗塔· 戴波 Margareta   Daepp ,柏克· 德弗里斯 Bouke de Vries

《在地文化的內在考掘. Self-Scrutiny of Local Cultures

楊元太Yang Yuan-tai,金子潤 Jun Kaneko, 高森曉夫 Akio Takamori, 劉鎮洲 Liou Chen-chou,李仁鎮 Lee In-chin,陳正勳 Chen Cheng-hsun, 重松步 Shigematsu Ayumi, 陸斌 Lu Bin

《人土疏離的環境憂患Concerns over the Alienation of People from Their Environment

三島喜美代Mishima Kimiyo, 蒂· 圖蘭 Tip Toland, 宮本瑠璃子和 凱瑟琳· 莎得納Miyamoto Ruriko & Katherine Sandnas, 松本英夫Matsumoto Hideo,科斯瑪斯· 巴利斯 Kosmas Ballis, 傑森· 沃克 Jason Walker, 孟昱在 Maeng Wookjae, 煤球 Ryan Mitchell

《身體與土的能量交流An Energetic Exchange between the Body and Clay

星野曉Hoshino Satoru, 秋山陽 Akiyama Yo, 徐永旭 Hsu Yunghsu ,奈良美智. Nara Yoshitomo,納塔莉· 朵寅 Nathalie Doyen, 蘇淑美Su Shu-mei,稻崎榮利子 Inazaki Eriko, 蔡宗隆 Tsai Zung-lung

《母土大地的生命禮讚Acclaims for Life-Giving Nature

杉浦康益 Sugiura Yasuyoshi, 寶拉· 牧瑞 Paula Murray, 米契爾· 貴伊 Michel Gouéry,田嶋悅子Tashima Etsuko, 廖瑞章Liao Jui-chang  徐美月Hsu Mei-yueh

More photos        


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(photo credit : New Taipei City Yinnge Ceramics Museum 圖片影片所有權:新北市鶯歌陶瓷搏物館)

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